MOUNTAIN BIKING: Sandia Mountains Foothill Trail



This trail is a steady climb with brief downhills before you reach the top. If follow these directions you should find the loop or one close to the 15 miles I've done. Start at the trail head and keep taking turns toward the mountains. When you've reached the bear canon trailhead and fence you'll hit some cool single track, don't be fooled there is still climbing ahead. Keep making right turns until you reach the water tanks, congradulations your half way. From here you back track and when you reach the other trails you can pretty much take any way you like, all the trails lead south back to the trail head. Ride it a lot and pick your favorite route. I rated these trails a 5 because if you go slow they can be fairly easy. The difficuly increases with speed so these trails can provide plenty of fun but you'd better be in shape, the climb is a real #@%&!. Have fun, ride hard and watch out for the cacti.<BR>


If your not familiar with Albuquerque you can start at the big I (where I-25 and I-40 intersect). Take I-25 East to Tramway (turn left/north), take Tramway to Montgomery (turn right/East, take Montgomery to Glenwood Hills Dr. (turn left/north), proceed to tralhead rd. (turn right), follow the road up the hill to the end this is the trail head. Parking is available.